Saturday, April 29, 2023


Osprey fishing from weeping willow on St. Lawrence River about 10 minutes before sunrise 


Friday, April 28, 2023

Midland Painted Turtles on a log

Cooper Marsh Conservation Area, Midland Painted Turtles


Purple Trillium

Purple (or red) trilliums usually bloom after white trilliums, but this year they are up before them.


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 I used a 50mm 1.8 lens originally meant for film cameras! I bought my first one in 1990 for only 10 dollars at Sears that was on clearance, before I even had a Canon EOS body to put it on.

Daffodil with fallen maple flower

Daffodils with roses


Monday, April 24, 2023

Contrail stretching across sky

 Panorama shot, one trail stretching across a cloudless sky, heading from Montreal to Toronto, I guess.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

More photos from CAPE 2023

Nice contact lenses!

 Zatara (DC Universe) the magician cosplayer

Uncle Fester, Wednesday Adams cosplayers

Ambassador Spock

Two Wednesday Adams

Cosplayer Virginia Dipierro (real name) from Melodies and Memories, local Cogeco music program



Saturday, April 22, 2023

Trout Lily


Trout lily, so called because the mottled leaves look like the skin of a brook trout

Erythronium americanum, ail doux, ail des ours, Érythrone d'Amérique

Ed the Sock and his creator

Ed the Sock has been a staple of Toronto TV since the 80s. Ed's creator, Steven Joel Kerzner, on the left. CAPE Convention, Cornwall, April 22, 2023.

Version of Ed from a few years ago


Thursday, April 20, 2023

Piper in Alexandria

Sort of crashed a party today in Alexandria - I wanted to take a picture of the waterfall and ran into this gentlemen who invited me to the party! Honestly made for a much better picture!

Craig Smith, Highland Pipes, at Evelyn's retirement party at the North Glengarry, Alexandria, Ontario, April 20, 2023


Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Bloodroot, sang-dragon, Sanguinaria canadensis, before blooms open. It has a reddish-orange sap.


Monday, April 17, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023


Coltsfoot, one of the earliest blooming wildflowers, Tussilago farfara


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Raisin River Canoe Race 2023, 50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary - starts at St. Andrew's West and finishes at Williamstown, Ontario, held most years since 1973, except 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 epidemic,
Erratic boulder painted with announcement on Summerstown Road

Canoes line up to go through the chute

Fire and ambulance crew stand by

Downriver to Williamstown



Friday, April 14, 2023

Question Mark Butterfly


Question Mark Butterfly, Polygone à queue violacée, Polygonia interrogationis

On the other side of the wings, it looks like a fallen leaf with a silver mark like a question mark. It overwinters as an adult.

Midge swarm.

Big Party at my house. Everyone is named midge! These midges do not bite.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Dottie, Crocuses and Donuts

 Dottie helps me clean up after the ice storm the only way she knows how.

Crocuses out

Traditional Easter Donut

Friday, April 7, 2023


Maple flowers in front of full moon -  called the onerahtokha, budding time moon to Mohawks, the local native people, and sogalikas, sugar making time moon, for the Abenakis.
Moonrise over river, April 7, 2023


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Aftermath of April 5, 2023 Ice Storm, April 6.

Starbuck's on Prince of Wales closed due to power outage

Multiple vehicle accident in Monkland, Ontario at the intersection of Highway 138 and County Road 43 with traffic lights out

Massive damage to trees north of Cornwall