Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Et tu, Joseph-Arcade?

I posted this to a friend's page as a joking example of the war on Christmas, but I found people actually complained about Vachon bakers saying using 'fêtes/festive' rather than Noël/Yule Angry letter to Sherbrooke newspaper
J'ai posté ceci à la page d'un ami comme un exemple blagueur de la 'guerre contre Noël', mais j'ai trouvé que les gens vraiment se plaignaient  de Vachon, qui disait 'fêtes / festive' plutôt que Noël / Yule
Lettre en colère au journal de Sherbrooke

Monday, December 25, 2017

Boat in snowstorm, Christmas, 2017

It looks mysterious
Mississagi, Lower Lakes Towing Ltd, anchored in St. Lawrence, Christmas Day, near Glen Walter, Ontario

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Contrails near the Canadian border

Contrails from two jets near U.S. border with Canada over St. Lawrence. Maybe the dick pic skywriting with the US Navy over Washington State earlier this month was just an unfortunate coincidence? I couldn't find these jets on air traffic websites so I assume they were military, probably practicing interception.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bye Bye Bob Mugabe

I remember in 1980 hearing a man in Canada holding up a newspaper with news of Mugabe's election and saying to his friend "That's good news - my dad says Bob Mugabe's  the best politician in Africa today!". And he was saying it with an Afrikaans accent!  Like  Aung San Suu Kyi you can't tell what an opposition leader will be like if they haven't held any office before.

Frankenly shocked!

"Pee-wee Herman: There but for the grace of God go I." Al Franken as Stuart Smalley, Ironic quote of the day.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mae West Sex

 I knew an elderly man who said he did wardrobe for Mae West's Broadway play "SEX", which she was arrested for in 1927 - he said they didn't show anybody having sex, but in one scene where it was implied that they were, the two actors just left the stage empty for a few minutes and let the audience imagine it.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yellow Rose Macro

Fall Colours 2017

Rainbow, Marina 200, Cornwall

 Glengarry Campground
Algoma Harvester in St. Lawrence, Adirondacks in background
Mushrooms, trail, Charlottenburg Park

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Cicada, maybe Neotibicen canicularis?, Lancaster, Ontario, October 7, 2017

Saturday, September 30, 2017

I've been Shatnered!

I'm actually pretty sure that really is young Shatner! The background looks a lot like the St. Lawrence, so I did a search on Google to see where it was taken. Since it's been misidentified on Pinterest, Google is guessing it is a teenage Jackman.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Infrared of vines growing of overhead wires

950nm filter

Akwesasne Pow wow 2017

Some cross cultural artifacts
Make America Native Again T-shirts
Hello Kitty Star Wars Imperial Storm Trooper Beadwork
Two more Hello Kitties in beadwork
Bag of Holding Dungeons and Dragons with Haudenosaunee Flag

More traditional:
Large basket being made in mold from black ash strips

Dancers having some traditional and not traditional food

Dancer with baby 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The harvest begins...

One of two passion fruits I've got - other is still ripening and is bigger.

Not really a lot

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy, Sandbanks Provincial Park. Note the white berries and leaves which can turn red - only about 30 cm/ one foot tall.

Herbe à puce, Parc provincial Sandbanks. Fruits blancs, feuilles qui peuvent devenir rouges - seulement 30 cm/ un pied 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Northern flying squirrel

Northern flying squirrel (found dead) (Glaucomys sabrinus), near Cornwall, Ontario, c. 2000

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse, August 21, 2017

Greatest amount of sun covered by moon from where I was, 2.39 pm EDT - sunspots visible on left.

Earlier at 1.47 pm, showing several sunspots

It did get noticeably cooler and dimmer at maximum - the colours didn't change, just dimmed, so more like being inside on midday rather than evening.

Tiger and Patch

Tiger and Patch, early 2000s - Tiger was a male but didn't seem to mind other cats.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Saw refugees from the United States who just arrived, one woman with little girl, wearing their best dresses on Sunday as they walked around the place the government had placed them. It must be awful to arrive in an unknown place and not even be certain they can stay.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Storm Days

Shelf cloud before thunderstorm
CSL St-Laurent goes down river through thunderstorm

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Did a German photographer use 16 cameras and wait 62 days to get a photo of the sun and the full moon together that won't be seen again until 2035?

 No, a German photographer didn't use 16 cameras and wait 62 days to get a photo of the sun and the full moon together that won't be seen again until 2035. 

Oak kisses by Bess Hamiti on 500px.com

"Oak Kisses" by Bess Hamiti

Is the above photo a real one-shot of the sun and the moon? Naah!

This photo has been 'borrowed' by some on social media with the claim that it was taken by a German photographer with 16 cameras, and he had to wait for 62 days for some reason, and it "can be only seen again in 2035." 

It's impossible for the sun and the full moon to be on the same side of the sky, as explained in this Spanish article. The full moon has to be on the opposite side of the sky - when it's on the same side of the sky it's the new or dark moon. The photo was made from three separate images of the sun, the moon and the trees by Bess Hamiti, who is a photographer but not German, using Photoshop, as he explains in this video:

Hamiti uses the same pair of trees in other photo composites seen in his gallery.