Friday, February 26, 2021



I think this might be one of the squirrel that was born this spring in the apple tree.

Goose Visit


A Canada goose comes to the bird feeder.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Photos of Oldenburg Airport, Germany, 1948

 My father was in the  Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers ( R.E.M.E.s) after World War II - Oldenburg Airport near Bremen in Lower Saxony, Germany, was used by the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as a repair depot - my father Raymond Bellis took these photos when he was part of the R.E.M.E.. - according to the airport's history , the R.E.M.E.'s took it over from 8 Canadian soldiers who had captured the former Luftwaffe base after it had been abandoned by the Germans in May 1945 and turned it into a vehicle repair centre.

He must have liked this German Shepherd they named Lassie who I imagine remained on duty after his humans had retreated.

caption on back reads "Lassie" 

                              Oldenburg AirPort

                              R.E.M.E Cookhouse (?)

                              10 July, 1948


Monday, February 8, 2021

55 years ago

 My Mother died today. The hospital is a few blocks north of our old house on McConnell Avenue. She walked me up the street to school the first day. I always saw the hospital on the hill from the school. 

Olive Bellis, July 10, 1927 - February 8, 2021