Sunday, November 30, 2014

Scots Jacket

Vendor said it was 100 years old - label was from Glasgow. Probably something that a band member of the local Glengarry Highland regiment wore.

5070 County Road 31 (Bank Street)
Morrisburg ON

Snowy Owl

Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
On utility pole by old Highway 2, Ontario, at Morrisburg Airport, next to Upper Canada Golf Course, Morrisburg, 3.45pm, November 30, 2014. Bird is camera shy if approached on foot, but can get fairly close (15m) in car.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Round Church (really an octogon) Dalhousie Mills, Ontario

St. Andrew's United Church, called the round church, really an octogon. 21873 Round Church Drive, Dalhousie Mills, Canada - the interior walls that seem to have been added later make the layout of the interior of the worship area of the church rectangular.