Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tiger, Spot and Smudge

Smudge the kitten

Tiger and Spot


Thursday, March 6, 2025

LCBO removes US booze in response to tariffs


Sign at LCBO (Provincial liquor store in Ontario). Store removed all US made liquor from shelves in response to US tariffs.

Lady Santa, Bank Street, Ottawa

Sometime around 2005. I think she said she just liked dressing up as Santa.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Double rainbows over St. Lawrence, c. 2005

Double rainbow over St. Lawrence, c. 2005. Across from Cariboo Cameron's house in Summerstown - the pillar is gone but there are still two identical ones on the north side of the road at the entry to his house with the house's name, Fairfield, on it. There was a private park that was attached to his house on the south side of the road that was used by students when it was a private school, but it has been developed into houses. 

Scanned print p. 874.