Thursday, September 4, 2014

Old and new energy technology

Oil well and wind turbines in fields by Highway 3. The crane was not moving, and looks quite old, so perhaps it's dry. This part of Ontario is about 50km from the first commercial oil well in the world, in Oil Springs, Ontario..

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Radios of yesteryear

McHaffie Flea Market

5070 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry 31

Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0


turns into Passion fruit - bit of a surprise - first time it's happened - this one's label said the fruit was inedible, but I'll see.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Grandfather clock 8 track stereo and turntable!

This was in a Value Village shop - sorry, it's long gone now!  Please note I have no information other than what's here about this item. If you have one for sale, leave contact information in your comment, otherwise nobody has any way of getting in touch with you!

An ordinary 70s version of a grandfather clock? Hardly!

 Inside was a state of the art home entertainment centre, with 8 track and...
...a turntable!
label on back - looks like it was assembled in Canada, I'd guess for a department store like Eaton's or Sears. 4D sound AM FM Stereo Receiver, 8-track and turntable Morse Electro Products Corps, made the brand Electrophonic, seems to have had a plant in Brooklyn, NY. in the 1960s and 70s. 4D Sound System just meant it could be switched to run a second pair of speakers, not quadrophonic sound